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AoM Blender Addon

Blender import/export script for Age of Mythology model files

Age of Mythology Blender Add-on

Blender import/export script for Age of Mythology model files of the .brg format. Currently the import option is the only working part of the script. The export is not yet implemented and will give an error


  1. Download the Latest Release
  2. Open Blender.
  3. Navigate to File > User Preferences > Add-ons.
  4. Click Install from File and locate the downloaded zip.
  5. Locate the add-on “Age of Mythology Model” in the Import-Export category.
  6. Enable the add-on by clicking the checkbox.
  7. Import or export brg files from the respective sub-menus under File

Set-up Texture Autoload (optional)

If you have Age of Mythology Extended Edition, it’s possible to auto load and convert textures.

  1. Navigate to File > User Preferences > Add-ons.
  2. Locate the add-on “Age of Mythology Model” in the Import-Export category.
  3. Unfold the panel of the Addon.
  4. Fill in the file path towards your Age of Mythology installation
  5. Fill in the full file path towards the folder containing TextureCompiler.exe (usually in the tools folder of your AoM installation folder)